Private Student Loans
Student Loan Financing
With UFirst, You Can Achieve More
At UFirst, education is important to us, and we want to help you get the best education possible
without having to worry about how you'll finance it. That's why UFirst Credit Union is
partnered with LendKey to offer multiple
student loan options that can help you achieve your goals for higher education and beyond.
offering competitive student loan rates with either variable or fixed terms, UFirst and LendKey can help
you take your education further. To learn more about LendKey and about the private student loan options
that could be best for you, visit our portal here.
Learn More or Get Started

Get Started
Apply online now for a new student loan or to refinance an existing student loan.
What is a Private Student Loan?
A private student loan is an alternative financing option designed to help students pay for college. While students may apply for a private student loan before or instead of applying for federal aid, these loans are especially helpful for students who are unable to receive additional federal aid or grants, or when extra financing is needed for additional student expenses. By partnering with LendKey, we're able to help students pay for college with confidence.
Refinancing Student Loans
If you’ve finished your college education, refinancing your student loan debts can help you take full control of your finances. By refinancing, you can consolidate debts into one payment with one lender, and it could reduce both your interest rate your overall payment amount. Learn more about refinancing your student loans here.